Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Adventures in "Going Green"

So, we have been trying to get "greener" as they say.

I grew up in Seattle where the green grows between your toes. That could be because of the rain or it could be because of the "tree huggers" that live there. If you lived there you would hug the trees too, so beautiful.

Atwater is brown. Brown in many ways really. We have been in a drought for over three years. Brown. This is really an arid place even though it is one of the highest agricultural centers in the nation--they pipe in the water. Brown. So we are literally brown. But there is also the figurative brown that comes with a small town that doesn't yet have a recycling program or other avenues for cleaning up our act. That doesn't mean these things won't happen, aren't happening or can't happen. Green is coming, whether we like it or not, and I happen to like that squishy green stuff between my toes and running through my veins.

For the next few weeks I will be sharing with you some of our "Adventures in Going Green." I have found that there are lots of little things we all can do that will make a difference and that there are also some big things that cost a lot that we can do if we are willing to sacrifice. I hope you enjoy this little travel log of our adventure. Maybe you too will have a little green between your toes before you know it.

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