Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Listen to me!

Ethan is three. He is getting very smart. He has a problem listening. The latest thing is when he gets in trouble and a punishment is given he says, "I'll listen now. I'm listening." He even said today, "When you get in trouble and then you listen you are a good boy." The problem is he hears. He doesn't listen. Two very different things. He hears but he doesn't act. He still kicks the wall. He still kicks his brother. He still kicks dirt. He still kicks the babysitter. And that is just kicking. He hears us say, "Don't kick!" but he doesn't listen.

Ethan is three. I'm thirty. I think I'm pretty smart. I have a problem listening. The latest thing is I hear the voice of God pulling at my heart and I don't do what that tugging is asking of me to do. I hear it, but I don't always act.

If I want my baby boy to do it, how much more does God want me to do it?

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