Saturday, June 6, 2009



When someone wants to hold me accountable how will I respond?

With excuses?
With lies?
With accusations?
With defensiveness?
With turning my back?

Proof that I need accountability.

Too bad my excuses cloud my vision.
Too bad lies build walls that destroy community.
Too bad accusations seem to take the light of truth off of me but leave me in shadows.
Too bad defensiveness makes me feel like I have the power.
Too bad turning my back means I will never have been held accountable.

Proof that I need accountability.

Without accountability I will never grow.
Without accountability I will never blossom.
Without accountability I will never have the chance to die;
the chance to die so that new life can come.

Oh, I'll die with or without accountability, but I will never have truly lived.

Proof that I need accountability.

When someone wants to hold me accountable how will I respond?

With graciousness.
With honesty.
With humility.
With hopefulness.
With an open hand.

Proof that I need accountability.

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