Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'm thankful for tears...

They pour out passion. When I hear a song that resonates with my soul, tears form in the corners of my eyes. I'm thankful for the visible sign of the deepness in my soul that is otherwise hidden by smiles, skin and words.

I'm thankful for tears...

The tears Jesus shed over Jerusalem and her wayward, destructive, confusion fill me with a sort of thankfulness I can't explain. Thank you for those tears, that passion, that poured from Your eyes over their lostness and mine.

Those eyes wept for a friend too. Thank you for the story of Lazarus and how it shows that you are like me although vastly different in Your sameness.

And I'm thankful for the tears in the Garden of Gethsemane. The sorrow You held in Your bosom couldn't stay captured there. It broke free and burst forth, flowing freely down your face! Flowing for me, and for You and for the world. Those tears remind me that my salvation wasn't easy for You.

I'm thankful for tears...

Tears are always a sign of love really. I'm thankful for the words they speak as they leave a glistening trail down my cheeks. I'm thankful for the puffy eyes they leave behind, physical signs of the spiritual, internal, emotional.

I'm thankful for tears...

I'm thankful for tears of joy, tears of anger, tears of fear, tears of wonder, tears of thankfulness.

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