Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I'm thankful for bridges. Thankful for their strength. I'm thankful for their shape and beauty. The curve and form of the bridge high above, the smooth surface, sleek and serene spanning the rough waters below, thankful. The uniqueness of design all for one function: the bridge keeps you on the road, keeps you dry, no fording the river for you. Thanks bridge.

I'm thankful for bridges. Thankful for people who span great divides. Their shape and form are equally beautiful but they are varied and surprising! I'm thankful for those who bring two sides together. Thankful for people who raise me up, who lift me above the raging sea of life, keep me safe and dry, thankful. When the chaotic waters of life swirl around me, when I can't wade through, when my covered wagon has tipped over in my attempt to ford the waters I need those bridge folks. Thanks bridge.

I'm thankful for bridges. Thankful for Jesus Christ who bridged the divide between me and You. Thankful that He sacrificed Himself, laid Himself down to span the distance, thankful. Thank You for the beauty of His humble form, His majestic grace, the serenity His selfless gift brings. I'm thankful for the bridge of Life. Thanks bridge.

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