Sunday, October 25, 2009


I'm thankful for light. Thankful for the beauty of sunbeams bursting out of the clouds, their long arms stretched to the heavens and illuminating the earth. The sight of sun resting on the rolling hills, casting shadows, birthing bright hues of greens and blues and browns, reflecting on glassy waters, brings light to the soul. I'm thankful for the warmth of the sun and how it toasts my skin to a gentle brown.

I'm thankful for the light that reflects through prisms and takes a simple piece of glass and casts a rainbow of colors and light about the room. From simple to complex. From ordinary to extraordinary.

I'm thankful for the sparkle that halogen brings to everything. The twinkle in eyes, the glitter of glass, the flash of teeth, the sheen of metal, the crisp beauty that comes with the crisp light.

I'm thankful for the lights that can be dimmed. As a child I loved the dimmer switch in our dining room. There is something about that darkened light that makes it feel more important, like the room itself has a secret. The depth that comes when the lights go down is almost palpable. The intimacy of a dimmed bulb is strange and beautiful.

I'm thankful for the flickering light of a candle. Thankful for the shadows it makes on the wall as it throws it's meager light across the room. I'm thankful for light's ability to cast shadows. For the things that appear dark in the site of light. It can be a dark darkness or a deepness--a contrast that is a reminder of the light. In the absence of light we are mindful of it's power, it's importance, it's illuminating quality.

I'm thankful for the crackling campfire and the memories that pop into my mind in the way the kindling pops it's hot embers into the night sky. Thankful for the flaming marshmallows that bring laughter and delicious treats, the smell of pine needles ablaze, the sparks escaping the heat of the flame and disappearing like the blurred tail of a shooting star.

I'm thankful for the myriad of stars, the little light they shine that constitutes a largeness I can't even comprehend. Their ancient light landing upon my retina, my cornea, my rods and cones. I'm thankful for their massive galactic light, but a pin prick in the sky.

I'm thankful that Jesus is the Light of the world, The Light, the True Light. All that is beautiful or noteworthy of light is truest in Him. I'm thankful that in my darkness He has shown His loving, merciful, hope filled Light. Thankful for the Light He continues to shine on me.

I'm thankful for the light that allows me to see, to live, to function. Thankful for the process of light bringing me health and happiness. Thankful for the light that gives me life, body and soul.

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