Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I'm thankful for ears to hear. Thankful for the vibrations as the sound enters narrow canals. Tiny bones working together to process waves are something to be thankful for. I'm thankful for the pounding in my chest when the bass drum pounds. Literally I hear with my heart. I feel the music inside of me. For this I give thanks.

I'm thankful for the rise and fall of the notes in their melodic tones warming me heart and soul like a cozy blanket, a warm fire and a hot drink. Something about the tune sings within me. There is a primal sense to it. It is a song I was born to hear. Not just me, but all people from all time. Something about the purity of a note speaks of the purity of my Lord and Savior. His grace like a beautiful melody sings in my soul. For this I give thanks.

I'm thankful for the myriad instruments that sing in varied voices. Thankful for the sobbing of the violin. I'm thankful for the depth of emotion from the heavy strings of the cello. Thankful for the haunting song of the oboe. Thankful for the beat of the drum like the beat of my heart bringing life to the music, carrying it forward. I'm thankful for the sweet plunk of the piano keys that lift the melody. I'm thankful for the delicate guitar strings that ring true like the words of Jesus. For this I give thanks.

I'm thankful for the sound of singing. For the variety, the creativity, the unifying ability of the voice lifted in song I am thankful. So many voices singing songs that move the heart and change the world. I'm thankful for voices lifted together in praise--goosebumps! I'm thankful for the intricacies of harmony. The same words are sung but the layered notes add richness, depth, emotion to one another. Even though the notes are different they belong together, knit together. For this I give thanks.

I'm thankful for the acoustics in old chapels, auditoriums and hallways--the echo chambers that make one voice sound like many. The reverberations of voices and instruments don't merely echo in a room, they echo in the soul. For this I give thanks.

I'm thankful for the words of songs that speak what my heart longs to cry out. I'm thankful for the faithful teachers who hand down the passion to not merely know music but to love it as well. I'm thankful for the voices of my children singing. I'm thankful that I can open my mouth and sing. Thankful that I can express what is within me through song. I'm thankful for generations of musicians who have brought glory to our God and king. Thankful for songs of Redemption that ring in my ears, cause my heart to pound stronger, flow through my very veins and carry me through this life. For all of these I give thanks.

I am thankful for music, for songs, and for the melody of Jesus Christ that sings to me, in me and hopefully through me. For this I give thanks.


Anonymous said...

Thank you daughter for speaking my language. It's just been recently that I've realized that how music is my "first" language - definitely my spiritual language. So thanks for speaking my language!

Veronica said...

I am tone deaf! But I am truly thankful for others who can sing and play music. I can dance though, so at least I know all about rhythm. :)

Dustin said...

I am thankful that I am married to one that can make music with her hands and her voice. You are a gift to me and the church.

Unknown said...

Well written. You made music with your prose. Very Whitman-esque, No? Stories set to music are the most powerful sometimes because of the feelings and emotions that arise from the message and the music